A UNION has accused a school of 'gaslighting' teachers as its members go on strike again this week. 

NASUWT - The Teachers' Union members working at Windermere School, which charges up to £40k a year for students, will take strike action today (Wednesday, 22 May) and tomorrow (Thursday, 23 May). 

It is the latest update in a dispute over pension contributions with NASUWT and the National Education Union (NEU) first threatening industrial action last month. 

The school wishes to move away from full support of the Teachers' Pension Scheme (TPS). Several independent schools across the country have chosen to leave the scheme as employer contribution rates rose five per cent to 28.6 from April 1 this year. 

Dr Patrick Roach, the NASUWT general secretary, who will be on the picket line from 7.30-8.45am on Thursday, said: "These hardworking teachers have every right to expect that they remain enrolled on the Teachers’ Pension Scheme. They should not be asked to accept a lower pension income than other teachers so that their employer can save money.

"It is cruel to gaslight teachers into believing that they must bear the brunt of cost-saving exercises in schools."

The school initially managed to pause the strikes by putting an increased pay offer on the table but this was refused. Teachers proceeded to have their first day of strike action on Wednesday, April 24. 

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NASUWT claims that its members are being 'forced' onto an inferior pension scheme - by firing and rehiring on a new contract unless they 'consent.' 

They also claim that the employer has refused to engage in negotiations with NASUWT or ACAS conciliation talks. 

The union has threatened further days of strike action for June 5-6 if a resolution is not found. 

Windermere School was contacted for an update,= but have stood by their original statements on the strike. 

A spokesperson said: "Working with an independent pensions advisory firm, we have ensured an appropriate and affordable alternative pension provision. 

"This decision was prompted by the government decision that the employer contribution to the TPS would be significantly increased.

"We appreciate that the decision to come out of the TPS is significant for staff, however all contracts will be continuous to ensure job security and a generous alternative pension has been provided."

The school said it was 'prepared' for strike action and thanked staff for covering lessons while their colleagues are absent. They said that disruption to the school day would be kept 'to a minimum' and that exams will take place as normal.