BARROW Raiders chairman Steve Neale says investors can take the club to the next level.

Speaking to BBC Radio Cumbria, Neale believes Raiders are an exciting project and says if someone came onboard who was able to back the club financially, the Barrovians could reach great heights.

He said: “It’s tough to run the club. We’ve got a lot of ambition and we’ve come so far over the period of my tenure.

“But it’s really, really tough to try to maintain what we are trying to do and the ambition we’ve got and to try to build on that.

“I’m really looking for someone out there or a group of people out there who would like to invest in the club.

“I’ve put many, many hours in trying to make the club work and I’m totally committed to the job, but I feel as though if we can get an investor to join the board it could be a really exciting project for someone to take this club forward.”

Neale is not throwing in the towel by any means and remains focused on growing the club, although he would be willing to stand down should the right person come in to take over.

He added: “I’m not saying that I have taken the club as far as I can, but I don’t know if I can do anymore than I have and I really think that if someone came in and gave me a hand or even if I stepped aside and they put in an influx of money.

“I just want the club to grow, so there is almost an open invitation out there to get involved in an exciting project, which is Barrow Raiders, and let’s see where we can take this club.”

While money remains a key issue for Raiders, Neale feels the club is on the up, but needs help to make further progress.

“I’m really excited about where we’ve come from,” he said.

“We’ve come from probably a dark place when I first took over, and we are so vibrant now.

“The crowds have more than doubled since I’ve been here, but we do need to go now to the next level and that’s why I’m probably asking for some help.

“People who understand business, people who can build income streams and hopefully invest some money as well.

“I think that’s where we need to go.

“I look at other clubs like London Broncos and Sheffield Eagles and there has been literally millions pumped into those clubs over the decade.

“And if someone came into this club it wouldn’t take that sort of money to make the place absolutely bouncing.

“It would be a fantastic investment and a fantastic project for someone.”