THE Government's decision to sack unvaccinated healthcare professionals has caused a huge amount of controversy.

This comes after MP Tim Farron has warned that plans to sack unvaccinated NHS workers could see Morecambe Bay Hospital Trust lose hundreds of workers.

Mr Farron believes Morecambe Bay hospitals could lose 800 staff members in April because they are not fully vaccinated against the disease.

Anita Grosvenor said: "No different to the other vaccinations that are a requirement when joining the health service."

Hayley Thomson-Geldart said: "Unlawful. Whether you’re pro-vax, anti-vax or anything in between, if someone doesn’t want to put something into their body there should not be a consequence of job loss!

"Maybe people are reluctant to get the vaccine because they have no trust in the government. Given the past few weeks, who could blame anyone for that?"

Christine Berry said: "What ever happened to freedom of choice? If you want the vaccination get it, if you don't want it, don't get it.

"It shouldn't be a case of choosing between a vaccine or your job; stupidity gone wild."

Chevonne Shaw said: "Should be across the whole board or not at all, I lost my job in November due to the vaccine.

"Let us have our own choice on what we put in our bodies. Being vaccinated doesn't protect others from getting it so it should be a choice for everyone.

"Being vaccinated or unvaccinated doesn't change our ability to do our job!"

Paula Madhlope-Phillips said: "Staff who work in the NHS already have to have vaccinations before they can start work: measles; TB; tetanus; etc.

"The majority of hospital staff have also had the Covid jab, to keep themselves and patients safe.

"I don’t agree with forcing people to have the Covid jab but would you want a family member treated by someone who is not vaccinated? Also, this was the government’s decision, it is legislation and hospitals do not get a choice."