A CIRCUS ringmaster has apologised after admitting making excessive noise in the early hours of the morning and disturbing residents on Walney. 

Walney resident Mark Ralph complained to Barrow Borough Council after his 11-year-old daughter Leah was woken a number of times during the night on Sunday and in the early hours of Monday morning. 

The St Columba's Catholic Primary School pupil, who is this week taking her SATs, was disturbed by the noise of Planet Circus staff setting up on the Sandy Gap site after they arrived on Sunday. Mr Ralph, 42, said both he and his wife were also disturbed at 2am and 4am.

"I've got nothing against the circus but I do have an issue when my daughter is struggling to get enough sleep and is having to sit tests when she is tired," Mr Ralph, of Andreas Avenue, said. 

"When she's coming into our room saying 'daddy I can't sleep' in the early hours of the morning, it's not on."

Because the circus is only based on Walney for a short period, there is no need to obtain planning permission. However, the Evening Mail understands the circus comes to an agreement with Barrow Borough Council as landowners of the site, which includes a provision not to make any noise after midnight. 

Mr Ralph, who voiced concerns the same might happen when the circus leaves Walney on Sunday, added: "It wasn't just the noise, they also had laser beams and strobes flashing above the tent, and dogs barking. We never have any problems when the fair comes, because they stop at a certain time, but this was really late."

Ringmaster Paul Martinez
Ringmaster Paul Martinez admitted his staff had made noise in the early hours of the morning but promised this would not be repeated. 

"We apologise to residents for the noise," he said. 

"It was very late and we understand and apologise if people were disturbed. It only takes us two hours to dismantle everything so we won't disturb anyone after the last show on Sunday which finishes at 5.30pm."