A charity football match in Barrow has raised £4,000 for a local hospice.

Last month Holker Old Boys took on Hawcoat Park FC to bring in money for St Mary's Hospice as a way of remembering their former manager Paul Cresswell.

Paul died towards the end of last year and was cared for by the charity in his final days.

Read more: Barrow football community unites to remember manager Paul Cresswell | The Mail (nwemail.co.uk)

Lynne, his wife, said: "I would like to give a big thank you to everyone involved in raising such a fantastic amount.

"Special thanks to all the lads who took part in the match and a big shout out too to Holker for helping to arrange the event and their generous donation."

The hospice described the final total as a 'marvellous amount' and promised to put it 'straight to good use'.