A stranded fisherman was rescued by Barrow RNLI on the weekend.

The action began on Sunday, June 9 after HM Coastguard requested assistance at 1.50pm for a fisherman who was threatened by the incoming tide.

Barrow Lifeboat Station's volunteer crew promptly launched their inshore lifeboat, Raymond and Dorothy Billingham, at 2pm.

At the helm was Saul Tomlin, who joined forces with crew Michael Armstrong and Fraser Livesey.

They sped north along Walney Channel, reaching the stranded fisherman at 2.15pm.

He was found on the east side of the Channel, just south of Jubilee Bridge.

The crew swiftly ensured the fisherman's safety, transporting him the short distance to Ferry Beach, where Furness Coastguard was waiting.

The inshore lifeboat was back in the boathouse by 2.50pm, ready for its next mission after a wash and prep.

During the rescue off Barrow shore, survey vessel Aramis had also been poised nearby to lend a hand at the Coastguard's request, but stood down upon the lifeboat's swift arrival at the scene.

Weather conditions were fine, with a moderate sea state and a west, north-westerly wind of Force 4 – 5.

The high tide at Barrow was due at 2.17pm and it was predicted to reach a height of 8.7metres.