Pupils of a school in Dalton channeled their inner time-travelers and dressed up in 70’s clothes to celebrate the building’s 50th anniversary.

Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School began two days of celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the school building on Thursday June 6.

The school was originally founded in 1888 and was located at the bottom of the hill on Ulverston Road. At this time, the ground floor was used for education, while the upstairs was used as a chapel.

Over time, the building became too small to accommodate the growing number of schoolchildren so the diocese bought land at the top of the hill where a new school could be built. The school was moved to the current building in 1974. 

Headteacher Bernadette Charnley said Our Lady’s started with only seven families but now has 105 children on roll.

As part of the celebrations, they welcomed Right Reverend Paul Swarbrick, the Bishop of Lancaster, who held a special mass alongside the school’s parish priest Fr Jim Burns and Canon Paul Embery, who served the school between 2015 and 2021.

Former members of the school were invited to join in and they were happy to welcome back a number of former staff members, ex-pupils and governors.

The anniversary was attended by a host of ‘special guests’ including the very first secretary and former headteacher Dave Prescott.

There was also an appearance by the daughter, granddaughter and great grandson of Patrick Poole, who was a teacher at Our Lady’s when the school opened, serving as headteacher from 1976 until he retired in 1992.

Celebrations to mark the Golden Jubilee continued on Friday June 7, when children and staff alike came to school dressed in 70's clothes for a party.

Pupils enjoyed a host of fun activities, as well as a bouncy castle and were able to invite their families for an afternoon tea.

Mrs Charnley said: “We had a quiz and some dancing and there was the opportunity for people to look at the displays of photographs from the school's history.  It was a really lovely day, and we all had a great time. 

“It was a wonderful celebration and it was so lovely for everyone to spend time together after wards and see how the school has grown and developed over the years.

“Our Lady's is such a special place - it feels like a family, and everyone is welcomed with open arms.”