Volunteers planted hundreds of flowers around Ulverston yesterday (May 22) during the heavy rain fall. 

The planters were from Incredible Edible Ulverston, Ulverston in Bloom and Gill Banks Action Group.

And although the rain may be good for the flowers, volunteers were soaked as they set about planting at bus stops, along the A590 and at Coronation Hall. 

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The rainfall was so heavy they didn't manage to take many pictures of their efforts however managed to post a couple on their joint Facebook page.

The groups are united in being passionate about the local community and its health and wellbeing.

The Incredible Edible network help grow and promote food locally and plant so that people and wildlife can benefit.

It believes in the power of small actions as well as Ulverston in Bloom which is a voluntary group that looks after all of the planting in Ulverston.

Gill Banks Action Group is dedicated to protecting the Gill Banks area by developing a woodland management plan and arranging work parties to carry out projects.