A THIEF has been ordered to pay every single penny back to a national electronic retail shop after he was caught stealing an expensive coffee machine.

Timothy Leary, of Low White Close in Barrow, entered Currys PC World in Barrow’s Hollywood Retail Park on March 23 this year when he decided to steal a Siemens EQ700 coffee machine valued at £999.99.

The 48-year-old admitted theft from a shop, Contrary to section 1(1) and 7 of the Theft Act 1968 at South Cumbria Magistrates’ Court on May 25.

The court heard Leary had previous convictions for theft and dishonesty.

Presiding magistrates imposed an 18-week prison sentence in punishment for the offence because they concluded that the defendant had shown a ‘flagrant disregard for people and their property’.

However, they decided to suspend the prison sentence for 24 months because they said he would lose his accommodation if he was sent to jail.

Magistrates also ordered the defendant to pay £999.99 back in compensation to Currys PC World and said they had come to their overall decision because the defendant had been complying with his licence conditions and demonstrating some motivation to rehabilitate himself.

As part of the suspended sentence order, Leary is required to complete a 26-week curfew which entails not leaving his home address between the hours of 7:00 pm and 7:00 am.

He was also ordered to complete a six-month drug rehabilitation program.