Two years ago, a light hearted chat over drinks between friends spawned the idea of a women's rugby club in Furness.

Cut to May 2024, and five sides are now competing against one another at Barrow Raiders' Northern Competitions Stadium.

It has been a long and eventful process for Leigh Bianchi, who is partly responsible for this mad transformation.

The Mail: Dalton Dragonesses are now one of five women's teams in the areaDalton Dragonesses are now one of five women's teams in the area (Image: Leigh Bianchi)

She said: "Standing on the side line cheering on our kids at the annual Dalton ARLFC Tag Rugby Tournament in May 2022, with a beer in hand, I suggested 'we can do this, we should start a team' - which got laughed off due to us all being unfit and it being a drunken idea.

"Then at the Dalton ARFLC Kids presentation night in November 2022, with a beer in hand, I tried my luck again, pitching 'mum's rugby' - it still got a laugh but a few said they would think about it, including Kevin O’Brien, who drunkenly amused us by saying he would coach us.

"We had out first training session a week later."

The Mail: Where it all began - the first training session for Dalton MumsWhere it all began - the first training session for Dalton Mums (Image: Leigh Bianchi)

Thanks to the age gap between the players, Dalton Mums became the Dalton Dragonesses.

In May 2023, the group entered their first ever tournament, a point in which the lack of female participation in the sport became evident for Leigh.

"We headed to Craven Park to realise we were only one of two ladies' teams to enter. 

"The other team was the Barrow Raiders Ladies Reserve Team - to say we were out of our depth was an understatement."

The Mail: The team at their first presentation nightThe team at their first presentation night (Image: Leigh Bianchi)

Since then, Dalton have continued to grow and train, with four other sides gradually coming into existence.

Roose Pioneers, Walney Central, Hindpool Tigers and Ulverston have since followed in the wake of Dalton - with all five taking part together in the touch league for the first time last week.

The Mail: It all started thanks to a drunken chatIt all started thanks to a drunken chat (Image: Leigh Bianchi)

"A few of the Dragonesses have also joined Barrow and District Ladies to play contact Rugby League as well as the Tag Rugby," Leigh added. 

"It would be great to see every local Rugby League team develop a Ladies team, whether it be contact or tag, to encourage girls and ladies to be part of a team sport, its never too late."

If you are interested in joining, you contact the club via their Facebook page or phone 07843 060569.