A WOMAN has been fined in punishment for assaulting two police officers.

Stacey McMillan, 36, of Hastings Street on Walney, ‘became agitated’ when officers attended her home address to arrest her on suspicion of another matter.

Prosecuting the case at South Cumbria Magistrates’ Court on May 22, Peter Kelly said McMillan was ‘manhandled’ by officers towards the police car when she attempted to headbutt PC Howard.

The court heard the defendant then kicked out at PC Dickens whilst in a police holding cell.

The offences occurred whilst both officers were acting in the exercise of their functions.

Mr Kelly said there was no battery involved as neither officer suffered any injuries.

In mitigation, Trystan Roberts said it was a ‘short lived experience’.

He added: “She suffers from emotional unstable personality disorder and became agitated as she had not had her medication that day.

“There was no further action taken by police in respect for the other matter that she was arrested for.

“If she had have connected with a headbutt towards the officer, it would have only reached her shoulder given the difference in height.

“These offences are out of character for this defendant.”

Magistrates ordered for a pre-sentence report to be conducted before sentencing the defendant.

Eventually, after considering the report, they imposed a fine of £200 for the offences and ordered McMillan to also pay £85 in court costs and a £80 surcharge.