Barrow police have explained why a vehicle was seized as part of road safety work in the Furness area. 

The force took to its Facebook page on Tuesday, May 21 to say that a vehicle had been seized for having no tax after road safety had been prioritised in the area.

Underneath the picture of the seized vehicle, many were questioning how the reaction was related to road safety, as well as bringing up other road offences that needed attention.

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One man commented: "This has nothing to do with Road Safety. Both MOT and Car Tax are money making schemes. Not safety schemes."

Barrow police addressed the concerns in the comments: "It is important we let the public know what issues we are solving, and likewise we need to understand what other problems exist that you would like us to tackle.

"Road Safety takes many facets; these can cause danger to other road users, or they can be issues around anti-social behaviour.

"We will always prioritise when the public are at risk of serious injury, and taking vehicles off the road which do not possess a valid MOT is clearly and obviously one of these priority’s which we are sure the law-abiding motorists will support us with."

"For example, faulty brakes? Illegal tyres? All pose a huge risk to you all.

"We also regularly find untaxed vehicles bring other issues, which again put you all at risk.

"We will continue to listen to everyone’s concerns, and work with you all to keep our roads safe."