THE MP for Westmorland and Lonsdale has said that the election 'couldn't come soon enough' and that he is looking forward to campaigning on doorsteps. 

Yesterday Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced that there was going to be a general election in front of Number 10 Downing Street after a day of speculation.

Liberal Democrat Tim Farron has been in his seat since 2005, but he said: "When I hear people talking about change that's at the government level. In the end I have got bags of energy. It's up to the electorate whether or not they want me." 

Mr Farron said that some of the top issues voters have been speaking to him about include healthcare, particularly cancer treatment, 'excessive' second home ownership, introducing 'genuinely affordable' and social homes for locals and the environment. He also criticised the new rural farm payment scheme. 

When asked if he can get much done when he is in opposition, Mr Farron said: "I often think that the most impotent person is the government backbencher because they do as they are told. The only MPs that are impotent are those who chose to be.

"I have always taken the approach to get things done for the community by working with the community." 

The election will be on July 4. Mr Farron will be competing against 28-year-old Conservative Matty Jackman, who said that the constituency has been 'underserved' under Liberal Democrat control. He said last year that there are currently limited opportunities for young people in the area. 

Pippa Smith will represent Labour. She said that her top priorities are to take action against climate change, improve housing and 'fight for our NHS.' 

James Townley is standing for Reform, who said that there is a 'slow pace of change' in the community. He mentioned safer roads, sewage, tackling crime and advocating for farmers as part of his platform.  

The constituency boundaries will see a great deal of change after the next election. Kirkby Lonsdale will become part of Morecambe and Lunesdale, currently represented by Conservative David Morris. 

Westmorland and Lonsdale will expand northwards to include Kirkby Stephen, Appleby and Greystoke. Mr Farron said that in some ways the post 2024 constituency will see a return to the historic boundaries of Westmorland.