A PARISH council explained why they have not yet replaced the playground fence which collapsed in December on Lake Road.

Coniston Parish Council said the reason was due to a partnership with Coniston Women's Institute where they got access to grant funding of £1,500 from Westmorland and Furness to 'enhance' the natural environment in the village.

They will do so by creating a range of 'diverse habitats' through several projects, including the creation of a 'bug hotel', raised beds, a willow structure into the infant play area and a dry stone wall.

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The wall will replace the entire fence line and a new pedestrian gate has been commissioned from a local craftsman. This work is set to be completed in June, confirmed the town clerk Michael Dearnley

"Work is due to commence on the wall in mid to late May. I look forward to bringing you updates on how this, and other aspects of the scheme, are progressing as they happen," concluded Mr Dearnley.