A hairdressers in Barrow has been working with Andy's Man Club to get more people talking about their mental health.

Devro's Barbers welcomed representatives from the charity for a promotion day, further highlighting the crucial work they are doing in the community.

The Barrow branch of the national charity first opened its doors on February 12, with the initial meeting attracting 80 men to simply have a chat about how they were feeling.

Read more: 80 men present at first Andy's Man Club in Barrow | The Mail (nwemail.co.uk)

Shaun Hannaway, one of the facilitators at the club, said: "If you think about it, it works perfectly because guys go to get their hair cut and they'll talk to these guys about some of the problems.

"And that's what Andy's Man Club is about - it's about sharing your problems, talking through your troubles, but then going away feeling a bit better about it."

Shaun explained that Barrow has the highest rate of male suicide in the north of England, which is why the formation of the group was so vital.

Read more: Andy's Man Club Barrow asks member to become facilitator | The Mail (nwemail.co.uk)

They meet every Monday at The Crossbar at Barrow AFC, with the promotion from Devros hopefully getting more people to consider joining more regularly.

"What has been a real thing for me has been the wider community and how they've bought into the Andy's Man Club ethos," Shaun added.

"Like there's people in here today, ladies cutting hair, that are supporting us as a man's club - it's just brilliant to see how wide it spreads."

Read more: Andy's Man Club Barrow celebrates its first month | The Mail (nwemail.co.uk)

The charity is named after Andrew Roberts, who took his own life aged 23 in 2016.

Shortly after this, his mother and brother-in-law came up with the idea of a non-clinical support group for men to share their mental health under the moniker Andy's Man Club.

The owner of Devros Paul Devlin said: "We were more than happy to welcome Andy’s Man Club at the shop in support of men’s mental Health, and it was a pleasure to meet Shaun, Barrow’s local representative."