Members of Furness and South Lakeland Freemasons assisted with the marshalling of the Asics Brathay Windermere Marathon.

On Saturday May 18, more than 30 local freemasons and their family members helped out, staffing the food and drink stations and keep runners safe from road traffic.

Due to the extremely warm weather, many of the runners struggled with the heat, but members of the Brathay team and marshals were there to help.

Furness and South Lakeland Freemasons Steward, Phil Renney who organised the marshals and liaised with the Brathay Trust was full of praise for his team.

He said: “The marathon was moved from a Sunday to a Saturday in an attempt to allow more runners to participate. This move had the desired effect and the participants increased from the 450 mark to over 750.

“It was a gloriously sunny and successful day and I thank all of those Brethren, and their families, who gave up their time to marshal the event.

“I’m told that the fundraising from this event alone, is somewhere in the region of £90,000 and is continuing to increase. The Brathay Trust fundraising manager tells me that funds will continue to come in for weeks and they could easily raise over £125,000. This huge sum helps to fund all of the support and activities that the Trust provide.”

The Asics Windermere Brathay Marathon is one of a handful of marathons run entirely within a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is often described as the friendliest and most beautiful UK marathon, this breath-taking course finishes amidst a carnival atmosphere, in the grounds of Brathay Hall with stunning views over England’s largest lake.

The Brathay Trust works in several areas, offering courses in personal and professional development, notably with young people who are victims of circumstance – not victims themselves. They are supported at Brathay and out in the community to become more self-aware and find the potential and resilience they never knew they had.