A COUPLE who suffered the heartbreak of six miscarriages have welcomed their little girl into the world – and now they want to support others going through similar situations.

Charlie and Lynette Bathgate, from Dalton, had been trying to have a child for eight years.

Mr Bathgate said the couple had been 'very lucky' to welcome their daughter into the world in December.

"My wife has polycystic ovaries so it was hard to get pregnant as well," he added.

"But every time we went to the fertility clinic in Manchester and saw the doctor it would give us hope. We would come out with hope every time that something would happen eventually.

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"The last time we went they said we were getting to the point now where the next option was going to be full IVF.

"They also mentioned taking these injections. So my wife tried them and they worked the first time and she fell pregnant."

The Mail: Baby Faith is now 5 months old.Baby Faith is now 5 months old. (Image: Submitted)

Mr and Mrs Bathgate, who were 41 and 42 at the time of the birth, decided to name their child Faith.

"We kept the faith," said Mr Bathgate. "We always had faith it would happen eventually so we called her Faith."

Now the couple wants to raise money for the charities Tommy's and Miscarriage Association to thank for the support they receive but also to raise awareness.

"Hopefully it will help other people who are in the same situation who don't have to go through what we did," said Mr Bathgate.

The Mail: Mr and Mrs Bathgate with Faith.Mr and Mrs Bathgate with Faith. (Image: Submitted)

"Tommy's do so much research and hopefully they can do something that makes it a lot easier for other people in the future. 

The couple has organised an open-for-all family fun day at Dalton Cricket Club with a cricket match, a barbeque, a bouncy castle, stalls, and a ducking stool.

At night the bar will be open and a band from Workington will be entertaining the crowds. 

The event is taking place on Sunday, August 25.