Leisure centres in Cumbria are bringing back swimming sessions for just 10p in time for half term.

Between May 27 and June 1, the likes of Barrow and Dalton Leisure Centres are bringing the offer back for children aged between three and 15.

Read more: Funding approved to give Barrow children tailored swimming lessons | The Mail (nwemail.co.uk)

Back in February, the initiative by Westmorland and Furness Council proved to be a big hit, with families set to welcome the discounts with open arms once again.

In Barrow, this will run from 11am to noon and 1pm to 2pm between Tuesday and Friday.

From Monday to Friday in Dalton, the 10p sessions will be available between the hours of 3pm and 4pm or 4pm and 5pm. 

The scheme also comes with a food bag for the children to make sure they have enough to complete as many laps as possible.

It is first come, first served - you can book with Dalton by phoning 01229 481942 or with Barrow by following the link.