A young person from Cumbria has met The Duke of Edinburgh to share their DofE story.

Harvey-Jo Cunningham, a 19-year-old from Haverigg in Cumbria, was recognised for his 'hard work' and 'determination' as he met the Duke of Edinburgh on Tuesday, May 21, during a Gold Award celebration at Buckingham Palace.

Cunningham was among 8,000 young people across the UK who were celebrated for their achievements in completing their Gold Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Awards.

The awards ceremony, hosted by the Duke, took place in the palace garden, which had been transformed into a festival-style celebration.

Also in attendance were celebrities, including TV chef Matt Tebbutt.

The Mail: Matt Tebbutt spoke at the event

Cunningham who has epilepsy, was one of few young people to personally converse with the Duke after his speech.

After the event he said: "I was very nervous about meeting The Duke but he was very down to earth and soon put me at ease.

"He spotted I was wearing a submarine lapel badge and that led to conversation about my degree apprenticeship with BAE Systems."

Despite having a seizure due to his epilepsy which prevented him from completing his expedition with his cadet group, Cunningham was supported by Head for the Hill to finish his task.

He spent six days in the Peak District and five nights at Kinver Edge restoring parts of the heathland as part of his residential section.

Mr Tebbutt said: "The Duke of Edinburgh's Award is not just an impressive badge of honour - it represents integrity, perseverance, a spirit of adventure, and a desire to give something back.

"These experiences ultimately make you more interesting and well-rounded human beings.

"Your journey is just beginning, and I have no doubt that each of you will do extraordinary things."

The DofE charity has reported that 545,910 young people were active in the scheme in 2023/24, with over 330,984 starting their DofE Award.

This has led to an outstanding 4.7 million hours of volunteering, equivalent to over £24 million in paid working hours.

Ruth Marvel, CEO of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, said: "The young people here today have achieved something exceptional, and it is wonderful to see them celebrating together, sharing their experiences and hearing their aspirations for the future.

"DofE is all about proving to yourself just what you are capable of, and the young people here today have showed the world that their potential is limitless."