THE latest OFSTED inspection for a Barrow primary school has been revealed. 

Victoria Infant and Nursery School continues to be a 'good' school. The inspectors said that staff greet students 'with a warm smile' each morning. 

The inspection, which was conducted on April 17 and 18, was the first one since February 2018 for the school. 

It maintained its good status from 2018. The school received a 'requires improvement' rating from OFSTED in 2016. 

"From the early years, children are engaged and excited by their learning," the inspector praised. "Teachers provide opportunities to inspire children and ensure that they develop their ability to work together or independently.

"Pupils behave well. They understand the school rules and take great pleasure in receiving points for hard work, which they save up for rewards. They show empathy towards their friends and look after each other, for example if they have fallen over. Pupils understand what bullying is and know that they can ask adults for help if they feel upset."

The report said the staff 'feel appreciated' and 'enjoy working' at the school. It said that they are given additional time to carry out their roles effectively, and the workload is 'manageable.' 

To improve, the report said pupils 'do not build on previous learning as well as they could.' 

"The school should ensure that the essential knowledge in these subjects is clearly identified and organised so that pupils can deepen their learning over time," the inspector added. 

OFSTED goes to a school with a 'good' rating once every four years to confirm if that school has maintained its status, which is what Victoria Infant and Nursery School's latest inspection was.

If the inspectors find evidence that a school would receive a higher or lower grade, than the next inspection would be a graded inspection. 

This was the first ungraded inspection for the school since it was found to be good in 2018.