The 'dad' Osprey of Foulshaw Moss nature reserve was spotted doing a bit of 'shopping' in Ulverston ahead of the arrival of new baby chicks. 

The male, known as White YW, was reported to have been sat on the eggs in the morning of May 12 before going out for a very successful fish. 

Craig Smith, from Blackburn, managed to capture amazing shots of the bird in full flight with a rather big trout in his talons.

A post on the dedicated Foulshaw Moss Ospreys X page said: "He sat on the eggs this morning, now he's off doing the shopping. A real all-rounder."



Every spring, the Osprey returns to Foulshaw Moss from West Africa alongside female Blue 35.

The pair have raised 27 chicks in the nine years they've bred at the site which includes 13 males and 14 females.  

The new chicks are expected any day now and Blue 35 has been captured on the Foulshaw Moss Osprey cams performing regular checks. 

As hatching nears, the chicks start to make sounds in the eggs and tapping on the shell as they try to break out.

According to the Foulshaw Moss Ospreys X page, the new arrivals could come as early as tomorrow.