Ulverston has welcomed its new mayor week following the town council's Annual General Meeting.

The AGM took place on Monday, May 20, with Councillor Graham Scrogham taking over the role for the next 12 months.

Councillor Shirley-Anne Wilson will be joining him as Deputy Mayor of Ulverston for 2024 and 2025.

Councillor Scrogham said: "I'm incredibly proud to have been elected Mayor of Ulverston.

"As an Ulverston-born son, I’m deeply humbled and appreciative and I hope to live up to the former mayor's high standards."

The town council shared their congratulations to the pair following the news, with departing mayor Michelle Scrogham leaving the role after two years.

Councillor Wilson commented: "[I'm] very proud to serve alongside Councillor Graham Scrogham and to do our town proud.

"Thank you for electing me as deputy."