The opening of a new dedicated public events space in Barrow is set to be celebrated with a day of family-friendly entertainment.

The amphitheatre - at The Dock Museum - has been overhauled as part of the Brilliant Barrow Town Deal Place Development project following a 12 week programme of work.

It features a new resin-bound surface, a pop-up power unit, lighting scheme and temporary stage as well as planted areas and trees.

To celebrate the launch on Wednesday, May 29, members of the public are invited to attend an event from 11am to 3pm with a number of acts and entertainers set to perform.

In addition to the live performances, craft activities will be provided by BarrowFull, an arts organisation, and attendees will receive free Brilliant Barrow giveaways.

The event marks the beginning of the third Brilliant Barrow Summer of Fun - a series of entertainment and activities planned for different venues in Barrow throughout the summer.

Councillor Virginia Taylor, Westmorland and Furness Council’s cabinet member for sustainable communities, said: "The Brilliant Barrow Place Development project has already delivered two fantastic summer events programmes which have attracted tens of thousands of people to Barrow’s town centre.

"I'm absolutely delighted to see the next phase of the project completed with the amphitheatre setting able to further enhance the experience for residents and visitors.

"We haven't had the best weather while the work to upgrade the space was underway but it is opening on time and as planned.

"My thanks go to everyone involved in bringing this element of the project to fruition."

The Brilliant Barrow Town Deal, which secured £25 million from the government’s Towns Fund in 2022, is being delivered by Westmorland and Furness Council and a range of partners.

The focus of the Place Development project is to attract residents and visitors to the town centre, increasing footfall and boosting the economy while improving the overall perception of Barrow

The launch will be kick-started by a performance from KS Musicals at 11 am.

Steve Cole, CIO and operational improvement director at BAE Systems Maritime and Land and chair of the Brilliant Barrow Town Deal Board, will be joined on stage by a pupil from Brisbane Park School, along with performers for the launch which will be marked with a confetti cannon.

Mr Cole said: "Brilliant Barrow is about delivering projects that will make a tangible difference to both the town and its communities so that it can go forward and thrive for years to come.

"What we can already see through the Place Development project is the positive impact it is making in so many ways by successfully drawing people to the town centre, increasing footfall and spend for local businesses and changing the perceptions people have of the town.

"I’m looking forward to the official launch event of the amphitheatre and hope as many people as possible enjoy the day."