A DRUG dealer who boasted about having 'the best in town' has been jailed.

Brandon Crozier, of Thirlmere Close, Dalton, supplied cocaine and cannabis for his customers to sell on the street, a court heard.

He appeared before Judge Philip Parry at Preston Crown Court to hear his sentence after pleading guilty to six charges related to drug supply, drug possession and possession of cash made from criminal activity. 

The sentence dealt with the drugs aspect of the case, while a further hearing scheduled for September 24 will unpick the financial side of Crozier's operation. 

On May 5 last year, Crozier, 28, was a passenger in a car that was stopped on the A590 near Kendal. Prosecutor Wayne Jackson told the court police found a 'Burberry man bag' in the boot containing hundreds of pounds in cash, an iPhone which had a social media account on it created 'solely' for drugs supply, a notebook and a 'small quantity' of cannabis.

The police then seized £6,000 in cash from an address he was living in at the time in Barrow on the same day. On August 30 the police returned to the address and arrested Crozier a second time, seizing even more cash. The two seizures totalled £12,180, Mr Jackson told the court. 

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The police also found 2.1 grams of cocaine and another mobile phone. This phone contained a list of 21 names and nicknames and outlined an outstanding value of nearly £40,000 owed in money. 

The court heard police found evidence of him boasting about kids asking him for advice on how to deal drugs and he said that his product was the 'best in town,' adding: "Don't buy the bashed up version, come get the real deal." 

An expert report submitted to the court suggested he had made £750,000. Defending, James Preece argued that Crozier was 'trying to talk himself up' and that he 'wasn't particularly good in money respects.' 

Judge Parry accepted Mr Preece's submission that the other figures did not 'back up' the £750,000 sum. 

However Judge Parry did not accept Mr Preece's submission that Crozier played a 'significant' rather than 'leading' role in drugs supply. 

"You had the expectation of substantial financial advantage," Judge Parry told Crozier. "It doesn't matter if you are good with money or bad with money."

He also said: "You were one rung up the chain than those that sell to street users."  

Concluding, Judge Parry said it was 'depressing' to see somebody like Crozier involved in drugs supply, telling him: "Society is fed up of people like you." 

Crozier received eight years imprisonment, half of which will be served on licence, as he pleaded guilty before trial. 

A spokesperson from Cumbria Police’s Community Serious Organised Crime unit said: “Today’s sentencing is a great result for the team.

“Crozier accumulated a significant amount of money through dealing drugs. The items and cash seized when officers stopped him and searched his home clearly demonstrated his role in drug supply activity in Barrow.

“We have contempt for the act of criminality, which has no place in our communities.”