Askam Village Hall Charity has received a gift of several allotments and associated land at Roan Head from Lake District Estates.

This change marks the end of Lake District Estates' long association with the area, having acquired the Roan Head Estate more than 50 years ago.

Peter Hensman, president of Lake District Estates, expressed delight at supporting the charity, also known as the Lots Association.

He said: "I’m very pleased we have been able to donate this land to the Lots Association.

"It does excellent work providing facilities and activities for local residents and we are delighted to support them in this small way."

Mike Cumming, trustee of Askam Hall Village Charity, underscored the potential benefits to the community.

He said: "We are delighted to receive this gift from Lake District Estates.

"The newly acquired allotments and a significant part of the Lots Pond will fit perfectly alongside our existing ownership and will enable more local residents to enjoy the benefits of an allotment.

"Our allotments are used for a variety of purposes and the benefits of fresh air and physical activity linked to allotments are well known.

"This gift will also guarantee the future of this land for the benefit of local people."