A school in Barrow welcomed back some of its former pupils last week as part of a charity fundraiser.

The ex-students visited Roose Primary School on Friday, May 17 to organise a cake sale, with the money brought in going towards the support of oncology staff at Furness General Hospital.

The cake sale was done in tandem with a number of separate events to help raise as much funds as possible for the hospital, which is currently looking after one of the parents at the school.

A spokesperson from the school said: "Together with the money from our crazy hair and non-uniform day, we raised around £535, which is incredible!

"A further £285 was made from selling the crafts and donations from Wood and Whatknots - thank you so much for the donations."

Wood and Whatknots, which specialises in bespoke, handmade items, said they were 'delighted' to support the event for such a 'worthy cause'.