READERS have been reacting to the news of a Barrow business which helped to move a vulnerable homeless woman sleeping rough into a new home.

The woman had been sleeping rough at Furness Abbey before Everyone Matters Homes in Barrow stepped in to help.

It came following a member of the public posting on a community Facebook page about the woman’s plight.

CEO Christine Hughes and Director of Operations Tracy Davis worked ‘endless hours’ to get the business off the ground, with the case showcasing the good they can do in the area.

READ MORE HERE: Homeless woman sleeping rough at Furness Abbey given roof over her head

Here’s how you reacted to our social media post of the story on Facebook.

Sherrona Shaw said: “So sad, lovely woman. I hope she gets some help and support.”

Barry Smith said: “Great news. Good luck for the future.”

Claire Purcell commented: “That’s amazing.”

Paula Slater said: “That’s great news.”

An online user with the username ‘Kitty Cat 63’ commented on the story: “So glad this lady now has a warm safe home.

"Well done to everyone that has helped her.”

Another user with the username ‘Positivity2022’ commented: “What a lovely thing to do.

"Well done to all involved. At least she is safe and warm now.

“It's nice to hear things like this rather than the usual doom and gloom.”