THEIR Majesties King George V and Queen Mary made a morale-boosting visit to hospitals, shipyards and factories across the northwest of England.

Following a visit to Lancaster on May 17 1917, the pair arrived on the Royal train alighting at Furness Abbey Station to visit Vickers factory - what is now BAE Systems.

Each day, an account of their visit was published in Yorkshire Post. Their arrival, transcribed by Martin Bates and Les Eveson, said: "At ten o’clock the Royal train reached Furness Abbey Station, which is situated at the beautiful end of Barrow

READ MORE: The times Winston Churchill visited Barrow's shipyard

"There could be no more charming greeting for the King and Queen than that composed by the wealth of green foliage and snowy blossom on the surrounding trees, the branches of which were urged into rhythmic activity by the breeze which also served to temper the heat from the sun. 

"This grateful spectacle was piquantly contrasted forces – the cool ruins of Furness Abbey resting in the tranquil vale and ten thousand school children, lusty young Barrovians who flanked the road for a mile, and were strenuously vocal."

The Mail: King George V and the Queen stepping off the Royal Train and being met by navy and army officers.The Royal tour during World War l was a morale boosting exercise organised by the government which grew concerned by growing industrial and social unrest partly caused by food shortages and poor working conditions. 

Britain was also reeling from the news that 14 British drifters had been sunk off the Coast of Italy.

Their Majesties travelled to recognise those who were contributing to the war effort including  factories, schools and businesses.

The Royal visit to Barrow was captured by local family the Sankeys who captured life in and Barrow in the early 20th century. 

Fascinating images show the King George V and Queen Mary being escorted by James McKechnie who was the managing director of Vickers.

The Mail: King George V and Queen Mary visiting Barrow shipyard. Her Majesty looks off to the left towardsThe King can also bee seen talking to Naval officers whilst Queen Mary is seen looking off to right at women workers whom she would later address. 

Another account in published in the Yorkshire Post read: "The Queen’s unceasing interest in the welfare of women workers was demonstrated several times. 

"Her Majesty was told, and saw for herself, that the greatest care is taken to preserve the health of the girls and women employed in certain departments of the works. 

"Indeed, their healthiness was apparent, and risk of being gallant one may add that Lancashire has no reason to fear that its ‘lasses’ can be excelled in point of grace, and beauty and feature if the girls at Vickers’ are true representatives."

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