A third man has been jailed for drug supply offences in south Cumbria.

Carl Sumner, 39, of Parker Street, Barrow was sentenced to seven years and two months at Carlisle Crown Court.

This follows the sentencing of Michael Fury, 36, of Parker Street, Barrow who was sentenced to eleven years, and Robert Collins, 38, of Dentons Green Lane, St Helens, who was sentenced to seven and half years in March.

The Mail: Michael Fury (left) and Robert CollinsMichael Fury (left) and Robert Collins (Image: Cumbria Police)

Sumner admitted conspiring to supply cocaine while Fury and Collins were convicted after a trial.

The court heard Sumner was stopped by officers driving a vehicle registered to Fury’s company MitieClean in December 2021. Following a search officers located a block of cocaine valued at £12,500.

The investigation by officers found Sumner, alongside Collins, was delivering cocaine to users in Barrow.

The Mail: Some of the drugs seizedSome of the drugs seized (Image: Cumbria Police)

The conspiracy ran between September 2021 and February 2022 and involved the defendants conspiring to supply £150,000-worth of cocaine in south Cumbria.

Referring to Fury, the prosecutor said: “He used his business MitieClean as cover and kept himself at arms distance from the actual supply of the drugs. He recruited and used Robert Collins and Carl Sumner.

“They were friends and very much party to the street dealing of the cocaine purchased and sold.” The cocaine was brought into Cumbria from other areas before being 'bulked out' and then sold as street deals.

Miss Whittlestone said phone messages provided clear evidence of the cocaine supply conspiracy. She said: “They discuss and send between themselves lists of debtors who have purchased their drugs on tick and owe money as a result.

"They discuss the police and how to avoid detection and it’s clear that Michael Fury thinks that he is ahead of the game in that regard.

“They keep each other abreast of any information they have of drug arrests and comment on the extent of police operations.

"They discuss advertising and how they can drum up business at times when the sale of the cocaine seems to be slowing down.

“They talk about targeting local companies who have well-paid employees - BAE being one of them - and also targeting particular individuals who they know will be good customers.” 

A spokesperson from the south Cumbria Community Serious and Organised Crime Unit said: “Sumner joins Fury and Collins jailed for the supply of drugs in south Cumbria.

“We will continue our efforts to target organised crime groups dealing drugs within our communities.

“Anyone struggling with addiction to seek help from Recovery Steps or The Well.”