While the warmer weather is a welcome change, it appears that criminals too are enjoying a window of opportunity.

Cumbria Police have urged residents to pay extra attention to home security in the coming months, keeping windows and doors securely locked, and valuables out of sight.

Criminals can sometimes exploit the warmer weather, looking for opportunities while knowing that people may be relaxing or working in the garden.

Temporary Detective Superintendent Andy Myers, who oversees Operation Themis, Cumbria Police's response to burglaries, said: "Being burgled, especially in your home, can be extremely traumatic.

"Cumbria is a safe place to live and we have a much lower number of these types of invasive crimes than in many other parts of the country.

"However, we always take this type of offence extremely seriously.

"Simple changes in the seasons such as darker nights or warmer weather can provide opportunities for burglars.

"But simple measures such as making sure windows and doors that are not in your sight are locked can go a long way to preventing crime."

Superintendent Myers urged people not to leave valuable items or keys close to windows or doors as this can create an opportunity for thieves.

He also alerted potential holiday-goers to be cautious about what is shared on social media, as it may unintentionally attract burglars.

According to the latest figures from the Office for National Statistics, household burglaries have decreased by 18 per cent in Cumbria.

However, Superintendent Myers has warned against complacency and assured residents that the constabulary continues to build on these improvements.

The public has been urged to be vigilant and report any suspicious activities. Residents are also asked to avoid leaving gardening tools or equipment outside overnight as it could encourage burglaries.

The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Cumbria, David Allen, said: "No one wants to feel vulnerable in their own home which is why prevention is so important.

“The more secure we can make our property, the more difficult we make it for opportunistic criminals to target us.

He also reminded residents to follow the advice given by the police to keep safe and encouraged the reporting of any suspicious or criminal behaviour.

“As a former Crime Prevention Officer I would urge the public to follow the advice of the police around keeping yourself safe and secure and report any suspicious or criminal behaviour to the Police on 101 or 999 in an emergency.

“If you have been the victim of burglary and are struggling to cope, there are services in Cumbria that are here to help: Victim Support Cumbria can provide emotional and practical help to victims of any crime – they can be contacted on 0300 303 0157.”

To remain anonymous, Crimestoppers can be contacted on 0800 555 111.

For more advice on protecting homes from crime, visit the crime prevention section on Cumbria Police's website.