A headteacher at a Barrow primary school got 'hands-on' with health and safety testing of a new play trail designed by the children. 

Pete Mills, of Dane Ghyll Community School and Nursery, said May 16 'will go down in history as the day that the trail was finally ready.'

Donning an orange helmet, he stressed that Dane Ghyll takes health and safety 'very seriously' and then took on the assault course wearing trousers, a jacket, brogues and matching orange sunglasses.

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Mr Mills then takes on every element of the trail including the ropes, steps, springers and even the oversized Connect 4 game.

He finished by throwing himself over the small wooden bars at the end. 

Mr Mills said: "The old trial had become unsafe and unusable around December time so it has been quite a wait for the little ones.

"Our fantastic Parent Teacher Association then gave us some money to go towards a new one.

"We brought a team of designers in who spoke to the children at playtimes and asked them which part of the old equipment was their favourite.

"We then asked them what they would like to see in the new equipment.

The Mail: Nursery children enjoy the new miniature climbing frames"After they decided they'd been asking and asking when it was going to be finished.

"Due to the weather, a three-week project to put it together had become six weeks.

"There are a lot of safety elements to consider too.

"I think some of the younger ones may have been a bit nervous.

"We take health and safety very seriously however we don't take ourselves too seriously so that's why I decided to do the video - just as a way to assure them that it was all safe.

"It was a bit of a challenge, the rope steps were a bit lower than I expected but I did it.

"Sometimes I have these ideas and I think 'have I lost my mind' but it's for the children and they love it." 

The Mail: Year 5 pupils enjoy the new equipment