A mum and her daughter were horrified when they discovered an adult seagull in Barrow with a bolt wedged right through its neck. 

Victoria Waite and her nine-year-old daughter were walking along Abbey Road behind the Shell garage when they saw the bird with what they thought was an arrow right through its throat.

They tried for over half an hour to catch it but were unsuccessful.

READ MORE: Seagull shot by crossbow twice on Abbey road in Barrow

Victoria said: "I was nipping to the Co-op with my daughter and we saw it in the car park. We nipped home to get a blanket to try to catch it and a lovely couple tried to help by throwing garlic bread down.

"We tried for over half an hour but couldn't manage to get it. I did see it again this morning as I was taking my children to school.

"It upset my daughter but it's not nice for anyone to see - it is absolutely shocking. 

"I really hope someone can catch the poor thing and get it the help it needs."

The Mail: The bolt is believed to have been fired at least three years agoVictoria contacted Bardsea Bird Sanctuary who have urged people to contact them if the bird is spotted.

The rescuers are also encouraging people to throw food down for it so it can earn trust again in humans which may make a capture more successful.

They believe this is the same bird that the Mail first reported on in 2021 which involved an adult seagull with a 'crossbow arrow right through its neck' on Oxford Street.

What is believed to be the same Lesser black-backed gull was also spotted on Abbey Road this time last year.

A Bardsea Bird Sanctuary spokesman said: "From our reports, we suspect this seagull has been around since at least 2021, or possibly longer.

"It always seems to be in a similar area so I think it comes back every year to nest. It's hard to believe that it has survived so long with that in its neck.

"Not sure if the vets could do anything for it even if someone caught it. If it has been there that long it will be very embedded in the flesh.

"The person who did it probably doesn't even remember it - hopefully karma has dealt with them."