PLANS for a 20-metre communications tower in the Yorkshire Dales have been given the green light.

The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority has approved proposals from Three to build a 20-metre lattice tower, three antennas as well as other equipment on Coal Road in Cowgill to provide network coverage in the area.

A report by planning officers says: “The location is considered to be necessary as it will fill a so called ‘not spot’ in the wider Shared Rural Network coverage area. At present there is no mobile coverage in this part of the Park, and the applicant has submitted existing and proposed coverage maps that show a significant enhancement resulting from the proposed development.

“This installation will fill this not spot for the proposed operator Three. It will also enable Telefonica and Vodafone to be able to utilise the same radio base station.”

According to documents submitted by the applicant the height of the proposed tower is considered ‘essential’ to reach the target coverage area.

The proposed site is also set back from the road and will be screened by nearby trees to prevent the tower appearing ‘stark’ in the surrounding area.

Planning documents state: “It is therefore considered that the proposal before you strikes a good balance between environmental impact and operational considerations.

“The proposed height and design represents the best compromise between the visual impact of the proposal on the surrounding area and meeting the technical requirements for the site.

“Taking all matters into account it is considered that this proposal, to provide Shared Rural Network coverage and to fill this partial not spot with high quality 4G mobile service provision for three main telecommunications operators utilising the same structure would not appear out of place within the landscape.”

The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority approved the planning application on May 8.