A group of people supported a hospice in Ulverston by tackling Yorkshire's tallest mountains - at night.

St Mary's Hospice organised the 'Yorkshire Three Peaks at Night' event to create a once in a lifetime opportunity for 15 people at the start of the month, as well as providing a worthy avenue to raise money for the charity.

The band of fundraisers tackled Pen Y Ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough, all the while battling against darkening skies and dropping temperatures.

A spokesperson from the hospice described the team as an 'amazing' group of individuals who came together as one to face the challenge.

They added: "The group had 12 hours to complete the challenge, which when completed at night, is as much about the mental game as it is physical.

"As if taking on 40km over three of the tallest peaks in Yorkshire wasn't enough, these guys took it on through the night as well."

The Mail: The climbers before the gruelling challengeThe climbers before the gruelling challenge (Image: St Mary's Hospice)

The team were assisted by Lakeland Mountain Guides, who have supported the hospice throughout various iterations of the climbing events.

"Fortunately, just as the group set off at 7:00pm, the weather seemed to improve from the earlier drizzle, and this led to a pleasant ascent up Pen Y Ghent.

"Darkness soon fell and the group had to chew up mile upon mile of rolling fields to reach Ribblehead Viaduct around midnight, before they set off for Whernside, the tallest peak, which found was a cold and windy affair.

"Muddy steps on the steep descent slowed progress, but at about 4:00am the group had two peaks in the bag, with just Ingleborough to go."

It would not be until two hours later before the fundraisers reached their final peak, though the mighty ascent was no doubt worth it for the sunrise that greeted them.

"A long, gradual descent of weary limbs brought the team back into Horton in Ribblesdale for about 8:45am.

"A sleepless night, and almost 14 hours on the hill certainly made this a tough challenge, but everyone should be proud of what they achieved."