A FILM club has raised funds for a mountain rescue team base.

Broughton-in-Furness Film Club presented a cheque of £1,200 to Duddon and Furness Mountain Rescue Team to help fund a permanent purpose-built base.

A Mountain Film Festival held earlier this month raised the money.

Annette Carmichael, secretary of Broughton-in-Furness Film Club, said: “The Victory Hall in Broughton was packed out for a programme of films featuring a variety of mountaineering and outdoor sports.

"The event started with Emma Seery of Duddon and Furness Mountain Rescue Team explaining to attendees about the different rescues it gets involved in. Then halfway through the evening, the importance of Mountain Rescue was really brought home when some of the Team were called out to assist with a search and rescue on Scafell Pike.”

Elaine Essery, Film Club treasurer added: "A generous audience helped make this Mountain Film Festival such a fundraising success.  Broughton-in-Furness Film Club is delighted that we could present a cheque for £1,200 to our local Mountain Rescue team at our recent monthly film screening on 15th March.”

Accepting the presentation cheque, David Hughes, Vice President of Duddon and Furness MRT said: “Many thanks to the Film Club for this fantastic donation. Our members who attended the Mountain Film Festival were much heartened by the response from local people towards our need for a purpose-built base.

"Currently our team operates out of two unheated rental units but we are hopeful that with further fundraising we should get spades in the ground for a permanent facility before the end of the year.”

To donate to Duddon and Furness Mountain Rescue Team's new base visit the website here