A WOMAN threw drugs down in front of police when she was searched by officers, a court heard.

Kirsty Davidson was stopped and searched by police after they spotted her while attending a nearby incident.

The 35-year-old, from Barrow, was found with class C drugs diazepam and alprazolam.

She admitted two counts of drug possession when she appeared before South Cumbria Magistrates' Court.

Prosecutor Peter Kelly told the court the incident happened on August 27.

He described how she handed over quantities of the two drugs to officers during the search.

He said: "Shortly before 6pm police officers were tasked with attending an incident in a street.

"It's apparent that while making that while dealing with that, Miss Davidson was by the officers down an alley.

"She was spoken to and it was decided she would be subject to a search.

"She produced these two drugs to officers and threw them on the floor.

"That led to her arrest.

"She accepted she didn't have a prescription for the drugs at the relevant time."

Both the drugs are used in the treatment of mental health disorders.

In mitigation, Andy Gallagher emphasised that Davidson was cooperative with the police when they searched her.

He suggested the drugs found were not hers and that she was keeping them for someone else.

Mr Gallagher said: "The facts speak for themselves.

"We've heard a relatively small amount of class C drugs were found in her possession.

"When searched by officers she handed them over.

"I suspect some of them may belong to someone else."

Sentencing Davidson, magistrates handed down a seven-day prison sentence for the offence.

They also fined Davidson, of Wordsworth Street, £85.

The bench ordered that the drugs seized from Davidson by police be forfeited and destroyed.