Ulverston's Roxy Cinema has achieved a big milestone in delivering its promise to make the iconic building 'greener' and more sustainable. 

Renovations began last summer after the Roxy Collective managed to buy the art deco building thanks to funds from the public and private donors.

The first phase began with the exterior before opening up some of its unoccupied and forgotten spaces for public use.

READ MORE: Ulverston's Roxy Cinema's to get temporary names plates for seats

On Wednesday (February 14)  two pivotal moments took place - the arrival of solar panels and the old canopy being removed. 

Speaking on the Roxy Collective Facebook page, a member said: "When we took over the Roxy building one of our main aims was to ensure that we update certain aspects of the building to make it greener, energy efficient and more sustainable.

"Today is a big step forward towards that with a delivery of solar panels that will be fitted to the roof.

"We’re also looking to update the canopy above the entrance so keep watching this space for further developments in the future."

The businesses within the building are operating as normal despite the lack of exterior lights -  with safe options currently being looked at. 

A new  safe canopy is set to be installed soon.