After Saturday was predominantly sunny, Barrow is facing a return to normality on Sunday in terms of the weather.

This is your weather forecast for February 4 for Barrow-in-Furness.

9:00am: Nine degrees, 47% chance of drizzle, moderate breeze from the west.

10:00am: Nine degrees, 69% chance of rain, moderate breeze from the west.

11:00am: Nine degrees, 54% chance of rain, gusty winds from the west.

12 noon: Ten degrees, 40% chance of drizzle, gusty winds from the west.

1:00pm: 11 degrees, light cloud, strong winds from the west.

2:00pm: Ten degrees, light cloud, strong winds from the west.

3:00pm: Ten degrees, sunny intervals, strong winds from the west.

4:00pm: Ten degrees, sunny intervals, strong winds from the west.

5:00pm: Ten degrees, partly cloudy, strong winds from the west.

6:00pm: Ten degrees, partly cloudy, strong winds from the west.

7:00pm: Ten degrees, partly cloudy, gusty winds from the west.

8:00pm: Nine degrees, partly cloudy, gusty winds from the west.

9:00pm: Nine degrees, partly cloudy, fresh breeze from the west.

10:00pm: Nine degrees, partly cloudy, gusty winds from the west.

11:00pm: Nine degrees, partly cloudy, gusty winds from the west.