MEET the new owners of a convenience store in Barrow.

Vinothkumar Muthukumar, known as Vino, has taken over Yarlside Stores in Holbeck from previous owners Michaela and Jamie Kemp.

Michaela and Jamie served the Holbeck and Roose community for ten years before handing over the store.

Vino said he is a local resident and he knew the couple before expressing an interest in the store. 

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"I've known Michaela and Jamie for quite a while," said Vino, 38.

"I've lived here for two years."

The Mail: Yarlside Convenience Store in HolbeckYarlside Convenience Store in Holbeck (Image: Google Maps)

When asked what may change in the store in the future, he said he would adapt the selection of products and prices to what customers need. 

Vino said: "We go with the customers and what they want." 

When asked if the store is busy, he said: "On Friday, Saturday it's busy. In the week it's normal." 

In terms of the staff changes after the handover, Vino said: "At the moment a few staff members have different jobs so they've left. A few staff have stayed with me. If there's anything in the future, I will put some staff in as well." 

The Kemps said Vino and his partner Priya had already extended the opening times to 9pm and opened a Dunkin' Donuts stall in the store. 

READ MORE: Manchester Christmas Markets trip praises Yarlside Stores

Ex-owner Michaela said: "When Jamie and I took on the shop in October 2013 it was a massive step forward for us out of the comfort shell of employment to self-employment.

“We wanted to feel a part of the Holbeck community and serve that community well.

“We have made many friends, watched our families grow and supported our customers in times of sickness and health and over the uncertain times of Covid. 

"We have loved our time at the store." 

The Kemps decided to leave because they wanted to give another family the chance to run the store.

Although the shop had interest from several buyers, Michaela said they chose Vino and Priya because they 'talked about the locals with fondness and we could tell he is driven to try his best.'