MAJOR plans to build more than 100 new homes in a South Cumbria town are set to be given the green light.

Members of the strategic planning committee for Westmorland and Furness Council are in line to approve plans from Oakmere Homes to construct 125 homes on land off Beetham Road in Milnthorpe when they meet on Thursday (January 11).

The proposed development will consist of 111 houses, six bungalows and eight apartments with associated roads, car parking, landscaping, infrastructure and access from Beetham Road.

A design and access statement says: “The scheme can be accommodated on the site and makes efficient use of land without being overdeveloped, and it will achieve high-quality built development and landscaping that will be in keeping with its surroundings appropriate for Milnthorpe.

“The application site occupies a sustainable location close to shops, services, local community facilities and public transport services in Milnthorpe village centre which is 150 metres to the west of the northern boundary of the site and easily accessible by walking and cycling.”

According to a report prepared for the committee the proposals will contain 19 affordable housing units. This will consist of eight one-bedroom apartments which will be for ‘affordable rent’, six ‘first homes’ and five ‘shared ownership’ homes.

This will provide 15.2 per cent affordable housing, lower than the council’s regulations of developments providing 35 per cent affordable housing.

However according to the report prepared for the committee, the developer states there are ‘exceptional circumstances which make it impossible to deliver 35 per cent affordable housing’.

Milnthorpe Parish Council did not object to the proposals and is ‘pleased’ with the design but raised some concerns.

The parish council said it was concerned that ‘already stretched’ services will not be able to cope with an increase in demand and that the turning into the development from Beetham Road may require vehicles to be stationary which would pose ‘significant risk’.

However, the local highways authority say they have no objection to the plans as long as there will be a right turn lane into the site, a speed limit gateway feature, a new bus stop and a traffic island crossing feature amongst other conditions.

United Utilities say they ‘remain concerned’ regarding the proximity of proposed development to water assets and add: “The applicant, or any subsequent developer, may discover that their plans are not implementable in their existing form or that diversion of the assets is required.”

Members of the strategic planning committee are recommended to approve the planning application subject to conditions when they meet on Thursday (January 11) at Kendal Town Hall.