PLANS have been lodged to install electric vehicle chargers at a supermarket in Ulverston.

BP Pulse have submitted plans to Westmorland and Furness Council to add eight electric vehicle charging spaces to the Marks & Spencer car park off the A590 in Ulverston.

A design and access statement says: “The central imperative of the development, at this site and others nationwide, is part of the inevitable and essential move away from hydrocarbons into a world where net zero carbon transport is the norm.”

“In, this context, the development should in principle be embraced by the local authority, as part of the overall move to a zero carbon and emission transport future. Further, the site as an established food store car park is an entirely appropriate location for such development, and offers the added benefit of linked trips”, the statement adds.

The proposals consist of installing eight electric parallel vehicle charging spaces, six with their own charger and one pair sharing a hyper charger. Plans also include adding a CCTV camera on a three-metre pole and to construct a substation enclosure.

Planning documents add: “Whilst some of the existing landscaping would be lost to accommodate the proposed development, this has been minimised and restricted to only that required to facilitate the development.

“Crucially, the landscaping boundary wall along the permitter of the site would be retained and would continue to screen the site and the proposed development from the public realm.”