Cumbria’s Good Lighting Guide has won two national awards, as it seeks to reduce light pollution and protect skies across the county.

The Cumbria Good Lighting Technical Advice Note (TAN) provides guidance to planning applicants, individuals, organisations and communities on the best choices when installing new or replacing existing lighting.

The Cumbria Good Lighting TAN has won both the Platinum and Green Build Back Better Awards which champion innovation, creativity, environmental leadership and social purpose. 

Expert judges agreed the Good Lighting TAN sets a new benchmark in taking action that will help put the country on a path to a better future following the pandemic.

The document comes from Friends of the Lake District, and Dark Source Lighting Design on behalf of Lake District and Yorkshire Dales National Park Authorities, Westmorland and Furness, Cumberland, and Lancaster councils.

With the support of many organisations, it will apply across Cumbria, the whole of the Yorkshire Dales National Park and the whole of the Arnside and Silverdale National Landscape.

Increasing artificial light at night is resulting in more light pollution and fewer dark skies. This prevents people from enjoying the wonders of the night sky, and has significant impacts on landscapes, wildlife and human health.

Currently, 62% of Cumbria’s night skies are in the darkest category, and largely free from light pollution, but the areas impacted by light pollution are increasing.

The Good Lighting TAN seeks to achieve a net reduction in light pollution, helping to protect the darkest areas and reduce light pollution in those areas already affected.

The Cumbria Good Lighting TAN, can be found on Friends of the Lake District website: 

Friends of the Lake District’s Dark Skies Officer Jack Ellerby said: “The TAN is another really positive step towards achieving a net reduction in light pollution across Cumbria, and beyond, and to have so many authorities, communities and organisations backing it is fantastic.”

Kerem Asfuroglu of Dark Source, said: “It is the outcome of a fantastic collaboration between Friends of the Lake District and Dark Source. Sharing similar values but different expertise, we have created an important resource and practical toolkit to mobilise and empower a diverse range of people. In addition to strong ambition, Friends brought in a deep understanding of the planning process, which makes the TAN a powerful gateway to protecting dark skies for all planning applicants and officers, as well as installers”.

Read more about the Dark Skies Cumbria Project or about Friends’ wider work on their website:   

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