TEAM members of a charity were 'blown away' by the support they received at their annual Christmas fair.

Millom Network Centre's (MNC) Christmas Fair took place on Sunday, November 19, to raise funds for their charity.

They received a total of £1,209.49 through the sale of affordable toys, a raffle, and a tombola organised by one of the volunteers, Sheila Watson.

On the day, their cook Richard Turner was on hand with his handmade pies, butter tablets and Christmas cakes.

Sue Dust, office manager of Millom Network Centre, said the atmosphere was 'truly wonderful.'

She said: "It was nonstop from the doors opening until the final customers at 1pm. When we finally stopped and took a breather we could then do a rough tally of how much we made so that we could let everyone know just how much every person had helped to raise for their community charity.

"We were totally blown away by the amount of people who braved the rubbish weather to come down and support us. We had an amazing turnout and when we finally had the time to add up all that we had taken, we were shocked with the funds raised."

"A huge thank you to our wonderful Town Mayor Simone Faulkner for her attendance. It is always a pleasure to welcome her, and we are hugely grateful for her continued support.

"MNC would like to thank everyone for the support of Millom's own community charity, when after all, it is for the people of Millom, the money that everyone helped to raise will help us to continue our work to support your community.

"But lastly, a huge thank you to all staff and volunteers who worked so hard to ensure that everything ran smoothly. We could not be prouder of our town and our charity."