Simon Fell has welcomed the announcement of a new prostate cancer screening trial that could save thousands of men’s lives.

Backed by £42 million of funding from the Government and Prostate Cancer UK, the scheme will use innovative screening methods such as MRI to detect prostate cancer.

It will involve hundreds of thousands of men across the country participating, in the hope of reducing the impact of the most common cancer in men in the UK.

Mr Fell, the Conservative MP for Barrow and Furness, said: “It’s about time that we have a national screening programme.

“Many men are often reluctant to be checked out, and prostate cancer often has no symptoms, so this new screening process which can catch prostate cancer early is very much needed and welcomed.”

Roughly 12,000 men die from prostate cancer every year.

The trial has the potential to see new screening methods give more accurate results than the current blood tests, which can miss some cancers and often suggest prostate cancer when no cancer exists.

Screening could also spot the disease even when no symptoms are displayed, potentially preventing it from spreading further and making it easier to save those affected.

Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Victoria Atkins said: “Cancer survival rates continue to improve in the UK, with the disease being diagnosed at an earlier stage more often, but more must be done. "

The Chief Executive at Prostate Cancer UK, Laura Kerby, explained that the new trials will give researchers the answers they have been looking for to develop a more routine testing system.

"Our unique focus and expertise made us the only organisation that could really deliver this paradigm-shifting trial, and we’re delighted that the Government has backed our vision to revolutionise diagnosis," Ms Kerby added.

Men at higher risk of prostate cancer due to age and ethnicity will be recruited through their GP practice and invited to a screening visit. 

NHS England will also deliver updates to their pages most used by men to make it easier find the help on offer for certain conditions.