The Wilko store in Barrow has been revealed as one of the stores set to close after the business failed to find a rescue deal.

The Duke Street branch's doors will shut for the last time on September 14 along with 51 other shops across the country.

Whilst up to 51 outlets were saved from the cut by B&M, the Barrow store was not a part of that group. Staff at affected stores were told yesterday.

PwC, which was appointed to oversee the insolvency last month, said it remains in talks with parties interested in buying the remaining parts of the business.

It comes a day after rival retailer B&M bought up to 51 other Wilko stores in a deal worth up to £13 million.

Administrators added on Wednesday that "it is possible that further store closures may regrettably be necessary", depending on talks with remaining suitors.

It is understood that HMV owner Doug Putman is still in discussions with PwC over a possible deal to save a significant number of stores.

The raft of closures next week will lead to 1,016 redundancies, while the company has also announced hundreds of further job losses affecting warehouse and service centre staff.

Edward Williams, joint administrator, said: "In the absence of viable offers for the whole business, very sadly store closures and redundancies of team members from those stores are now necessary.

"The loss of these stores will be felt not only by the team members who served them with such dedication, including through the uncertainty of recent weeks, but also the communities which they have been a part of."

Mail readers have offered their reaction to the news - and their thoughts on what they would like to see replace it.

Linda Williams said: "People need to resign themselves to having no shops in town.

"There were shops and they shut because of online buying and big supermarkets, making them a thing of the past." 

Chevonne Shaw added: "Anything other than a coffee shop or a charity shop they’re the ones that should be closing."

Janet Mcmurray said: "Clothes shops, shoe shops, that’s what Barrow needs. Give us a reason to go to town and get our town bustling again. Feel sorry for the young ones today we had such a good time in our little town. So sad."