In the New Testament, Jesus gives his followers what is known as the Great Commandment, greater than all the other commandments and the law that has come before: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind… and love your neighbour as you love yourself.’ (Matthew 22:37-40).

Our ‘neighbours’ can be defined as being all those who need our help. As Christians, we believe that we all belong to the ‘family of man’, made in the image of God.

Christian Aid follows this commandment by working with local partners on the ground in vulnerable communities all over the world, to help people to lift themselves out of poverty. But they can’t do this without our financial support and our prayers.

This year, Christian Aid is celebrating how their partners in Malawi are helping farmers to transform their livelihoods, using the humble but mighty pigeon pea. It’s drought resistant, high in protein, cheap to buy and delicious to eat – and has the added advantage that it revitalises the soil.

This simple pea can transform lives. Please give generously, wherever you see a Christian Aid envelope or collecting tin or online, so that other vulnerable communities can also benefit.

And, if you can, please pray for the work of Christian Aid.

Both actions are part of our responsibility to our brothers and sisters. We have contributed so more than they have to the changing climate that often makes it so much harder for them to feed their families.

Pam Martin, St John the Evangelist, Levens

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