TICKETS are still on sale to see a solo show based on Robert Louis Stevenson's novella Jekyll and Hyde,

It will be performed by Mark Stratford on Friday, May 5 at 7.30pm, at The Beggars' Theatre in Millom.

The show is billed as: “Gabriel John Utterson is Henry Jekyll’s lawyer and most trusted friend. Deeply concerned by a strange clause in his friend’s will, Utterson feels compelled to investigate the sinister Edward Hyde – Jekyll’s unlikely protégé.

“Convinced that Jekyll and Hyde’s relationship is founded on blackmail, Utterson embarks on a quest to learn more, but – as he does so – he finds the truth to be far worse than he could have ever imagined.

“Set in Victorian London, in a large meeting room at Scotland Yard, Utterson and Inspector Newcomen recount for a select audience the climactic events that unfolded at Jekyll’s house the night before and, in so doing, explain the strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde…”

Standard tickets are £14 or £12 for concession. Tickets at