HERE is a quick recap of some of the cases that have come before the courts or are due to be heard this week.

Barrow woman to appear in court charged with stealing items of food, drink and pet foot from a supermarket.

Chloe Wilson, of Broad Close, is said to have stolen the items – of unknown value – from Co-op in Barrow.

Read more here.

Barrow man to appear in court after being accused of intentional strangulation.

James Billingham of Abbey Road is accused of intentionally strangling a woman.

Read more here.

Barrow man to appear in court after being accused of stealing two bottles of alcohol from a supermarket.

Jordan Wilson, 27, of Raglan Court, is accused of stealing two bottles of gin, to the value of £64.50, belonging to E.H Booths & Co Ltd.

Read more.

Driver to appear in court after being accused of failing to co-operate with a drug wipe.

Darren Warder of Altham Road in Liverpool is accused of failing without reasonable excuse to cooperate with a preliminary test, namely a drug wipe.

Read more.

Driver to appear in court after being accused of failing to provide a specimen for analysis.

Kevin Harper, 74, of Wellington Street, Millom, is accused of failing without reasonable excuse to provide a specimen for breath analysis during the course of an investigation into whether he had committed an offence.

Read more.