THE HAIRY Bikers have discussed weight loss and type two diabetes on their latest podcast.

A fan wrote to Barrow’s Dave Myers and co-star Si King on the Hairy Bikers Agony Uncles podcast for advice.

52-year-old Keith stood at 6ft 2in and weighed 132kg when he was diagnosed with type two diabetes.

Type two diabetes is often linked to being overweight or inactive, however, it can also be caused by non-lifestyle related conditions.

It differs from type one diabetes which is an autoimmune disease, the exact cause of which is unknown.

After his diagnosis, Keith bought a book by Professor Taylor, who has previously worked with The Hairy Bikers on their own weight loss journeys.

On December 27 he began the Newcastle Diet, losing 27 kilograms in total so far.

As well as losing an impressive amount of weight, his blood sugar is now in the pre-diabetic range.

As part of the Newcastle Diet, dieters consume shakes before weaning themselves back onto a ‘normal’ diet.

Keith said: “I’ve been gradually introducing a suitable diet. Over the last few weeks I’ve been using the Hairy Bikers diet books.

“I’m not totally clear whether the downward trend of the diabetes will continue if I eat sensibly or if it will go up again.”

Impressed with Keith’s progress, Dave told him not to worry ‘ too much’ about his blood glucose levels.

Dave said: “I’m sure Professor Taylor would say that that significant weight loss is the reason your blood sugars have kind of stabilised.

“You’ll be called for by your GP every six months or so to have your blood sugars done so I wouldn’t really worry too much about the blood sugars, just keep the weight off.

“If you want a pizza and beer night, have it, but then redress the balance over the next three or four days and try and keep on track with the scales.

“Professor Taylor was a bit of a lifesaver for both of us.”

Dave added that he had once hit 114kg but after dieting, he had dropped 20kg in three months.

He described how ‘most blokes’ carry their excess weight like a ‘gilet of lard that’s hanging on all your organs’ making them prone to problems such as type two diabetes.

He said: “If you’re prediabetic now you’ve just got to keep stable, and if you keep the weight off you’ve got a very good chance of staying there.”