A WEST Yorkshire man has been handed a disqualification and multiple fines for a series of driving offences committed in Barrow.

Stephen Macdonald, of Peabody Street, Halifax, admitted at South Cumbria Magistrates Court in Barrow on Thursday to driving while over the legal alcohol limit, and driving without a licence or insurance, on Dalton Road, on October 21. 2022.

The 36-year-old was released on bail from Barrow Police Station on October 21, 2022, but failed to appear as summoned at South Cumbria Magistrates Court on November 7 of that year – an offence for which he was fined £60.

Macdonald was handed a 14-month interim driving disqualification in a hearing at Bradford Magistrates Court on January 4 2023 when he was released on bail.

He again failed to attend a court hearing in Barrow as summoned on January 16 and was slapped with another £60 fine.

For his drink-driving offence, Macdonald was fined £120.

He was also ordered to pay cost to the Crown Prosecution Service of £85 plus a surcharge of £96, bringing the total amount payable by Macdonald to £421.